Jumping off "Da Big Rock" on the island of Oahu in Hawaii is a complete thrill. When I first arrived at the beach I was a little nervous. Lots of tourist were around and locals who were swimming around, jumping and diving off Da Big Rock. I walked to the top of the Rock, which was actually the scariest part. Once I got to the top it took me a few minutes to get the butterflies settled. Dozens of people were jumping back to back. Once I noticed everyone surviving I decided to jump. Oh man my stomache dropped and I screamed then splash! After the first jump I did it several more times. This is a must do for all travelers traveling to Oahu. You must jump off Da Big Rock during summer months.

Adam Brooks
11/11/2012 02:42:45 am

That is such an awesome picture! Hope you had a great time in Hawaii!

Michelle Cronin
11/11/2012 04:52:14 am

I jumped off that rock. It was crazy and scary at the same time. I am not terrified of heights but I also get a bit nervous when looking down.


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